Here are some “pro tips” to Hack your Commute!
1. Stay Charged
2. Keep Cool
3. Have Dinner
4. Stay Connected
Power Outlets
Some outlets on NJT trains now have signs posted that warn of potential damage to your device and that the outlets are for NJT use only, but I have charged my iPhone using these outlets and have never been stopped by a conductor.
Newer NJT Trains
There are outlets located under the seats at the end of each train car on both the top and bottom level and in the (single-level) handicap accessible seating area.
Top Deck
As you enter the top level of the train car from the stairway, find the four seats that are facing each other on your right. Then look, under the inside (aisle side) end seat. There are two outlets in the receptacle. Just hope your arms and cords are long enough!
Bottom Deck
As you enter the top level of the train car from the stairway, find the four seats that are facing each other on your right. Then look, under the inside (aisle side) end seat. There are two outlets in the receptacle. The outlet is easy to find and can be easily reached from the side of the seat by the stairway.
Accessible Seating Area
There is a power outlet located in each handicap accessible seating area of the double-decker train cars.
Beat the Heat
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[Coming Soon]
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